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  • Baby and Beagle

Rainbow week at 9 months old

Updated: May 16, 2020

Activities this week included:

  • Toy sort with the rainbow bowls

  • Drumming with the rainbow bowls

  • Peekaboo with the rainbow scarves

  • Hand print rainbow painting

  • Messy play rainbow rice

  • Eat a rainbow

Toy sort with the rainbow bowls

Super easy, bored of quite easily but would always go back to it

(all week)

To make things a tiny bit more exciting, I arranged some of his toys into rainbow bowls. I kept this set up of his toys for the week so we always had this activity to fall back on. He had fun taking all the toys out and even put some toys back in (although in the wrong bowl...which was very very wrong).

Ideas for this activity to progress:

  • He can sort the toys into the bowls

  • We could go on a nature walk and then he sort out the things we found

  • Bowl dash - I ask him to go find something yellow/red/etc in the house that fits in the bowl as quick as he can (and then put it all back quicker than he found it)

Drumming with the rainbow bowls

Super easy, bored of quite easily but would always go back to it

(all week)

Nice easy task to set up and because he is into sounds at the moment he played with this a lot longer than expected. After hit and batting them, he had a go at scraping them around the wooden floor as it made a really interesting sound.

Ideas for this activity to progress:

  • Hit the bowls with different objects to see how the sounds are different

  • Fill the bowls with different liquids and have a messy play activity

Peek-a-boo with the rainbow scarves

Super easy, is entertained for longer than you think but requires full attention from you

(all week)

He finds peek-a-boo hilarious!

Put a scarf on his head and sing:

Hide the baby, where's he gone?

Hide the baby, where's he gone?

Hide the baby, where's he gone?

Here he is... Peek-a-boo!

On the 'here he is' bit, I grab the scarf off his head. We then swap to 'Hide the mummy...' with the scarf on my head. After a couple of rounds he started to pull the scarf off his own or my head.

Ideas for this activity to progress:

  • Stuff the scarves into the O ball for him to get out

  • Scarfs could be posted into a tissue box

Hand print rainbow painting

Easy enough to set up but major clean up required, we have two showers!

(4th May 2020)

As we are currently in lockdown and people are showing their appreciation to the NHS

through the Thursday claps and rainbows in windows we thought we'd have a go. He enjoys the sensory aspect of hand print painting and also likes putting his hands in his mouth (our paint are totally suitable for this).

Ideas for this activity to progress:

  • Anything can be made from a handprint - tulips, fish, sun, chickens

  • Eventually we will be able to progress to finger paining and then with a paint brush

Rainbow rice

Bit of prep work, big clean up, but great fun! The dog enjoyed it too!

See the separate blog post in the messy play area on the how to.

(5th May 2020)

He loved this activity, he was a little hesitant at first but then got right into it. He enjoyed the slipperiness of the starch especially on my fingers, which I didn't expect. He squelched it, kicked his feet in it, ate it, fed it to the dog, and generally had a good time.

Ideas for this activity to progress:

  • The rice could be used for a whole load of tuff tray/sensory bin activities

  • Not colouring the rice would add a different texture

  • Could make them into rice balls to set it out differently

Eat a Rainbow

Normal lunchtime prep

(7th May 2020)

He loved messy play lunchtime! I had to scatter a load of treats in the grass to distract the Beagle. Baby ate so much more than he would sat in his high chair, probably because he was given more time before I gave up. The rainbow consisted of puttanesca sauce (red), pasta (orange/yellow), wild garlic & spinach (green), and black olives (purple-ish).

Ideas for this activity to progress:

  • Any meal could be presented in this way...


Ideas I didn't get done but would have liked to do...

  • Water targets - half fill up freezer bags and stick them onto a wall/window for him to squidge, bat or hit

  • Disco sensory tent - dig out the disco ball and put it in a cardboard box/the tipi and watch the lights or dance.

  • Jelly dig - set some toys in coloured gelatin for his to dig out

  • Yoghurt paint - colour yoghurt with either food colouring or spice (e.g. turmeric or paprika) and let him paint

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